Dec 11, 2019 Photography and Videography studio shoot

We recently had our friends from Hagley West Watches in for a full studio shoot. Making the most of the day we shot everything from product packshots, to lifestyle imagery. The brand were just about to launch a brand new range, including a glow in the dark sports watch.
Much of the watches they design are inspired by the two founders love of Cricket. This is a typical photography and videography shoot in the studio. Where we cover a whole range maximising the clients use of time, and giving them the most deliverables and creative assets to use for Ecommerce and marketing.
Product packshot photography:
We shot a few standard Ecommerce images on white background for both watches. As well as some some more stylish and dynamic shots on a black background. This requires to separate set ups and different levels of post production, however we think the monochrome look and feel worked great! You can see the images in action on their website here.

Lifestyle Photography:
The team at Hagley West also bought in a couple of cricket bats to use as props. They came in handy when shooting a few fun social media lifestyle images.

Having a studio full of photographers and videographers, enables us to set up simultaneously in different areas of the studio. Once the team had finished with our photographer on the day, our videographer could take over to create a short social media promo video. The aim being to launch the watch range and highlight the glow in the dark feature on the hands. See the finished deliverable below! We provided this in a variety of outputs. Catering for Instagram story and square crop. As well as a standard rectangle video player for website banner and YouTube linked players.
If you’re looking for photography and videography studio then please get in contact with us.
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